GMTK- 2023 Game Jam Submission:
Theme: Roles Reversed

Quest Giver!

Welcome heroes to Quest Giver, an online pseudo-MMO where you don't play as the hero, but instead as a villager / NPC giving out quests carefully crafted to meet a hero's level requirement and your town budget!

Generate quests from a pool of sub-quests and assign them to players as they wait around. Wait too long to select a player and they might just log off for a while, so make sure to keep track of your growing heroes.

Be careful, you don't want your players to be under-leveled for a quest you have ready for assignment, because they might just die while out adventuring! 

Your goal is to build a group of strong heroes while keeping your budget in check. If all your players die out while adventuring, your server will be shut down forever and your life will cease to exist.

After you lose, you will be treated to a view of the "Hall of Heroes" which displays your top 3 heroes (alive or dead) that have assisted you :)

How to Play:
Play Screen:

Heroes log into your server and wait for you to craft quests for their adventure. 

Player Field:

Quest Builder:

Construct a quest built from sub-quests. Each sub-quest has a number of days to complete, a difficulty modifier (level requirement), and a cost. The cost will determine if you can afford to hire a hero and the difficulty will determine if the hero will be successful. So plan carefully!


When ready, send your heroes out on their adventures!

They will either win, lose, or continue on their quest. 



Note: quests longer than 1 day will take multiple embarks

There is sadly no real win condition, we ran out of time and picked a very complicated idea for 48 hours. So, when you run out of money or your  heroes are all dead, the game ends and you are treated with the "Hall of Heroes" which is a nice view of your top heroes.

Thanks for playing,
TheGameOverGuy and Pmain8

Assets used:

"Derp Nugget" Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Pixabay - Sound Effects


Minifantasy's (Forgotten Plains) (Myriad of NPCS) - Credit to: (Krishna Palacio)

16x16 rpg icon pack


CC link:

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